Thursday, 13 August 2015

Chapter 6!

Hi all,

So, I've managed to finish Chapter 6; the first (small) arc of the story is completed and new challenges are coming to light! I'm splitting off into two storylines now as events take Manda, Enderi and Junipa further afield, so the plot is beginning to flesh out.

I'm still looking for new avenues to advertise the blog, and spread awareness for the writing, so if anyone has any suggestions, please comment or email me. Apart from that, on to Chapter 7, and hope everyone is still enjoying the story!

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Chapter 5 is (finally) finished!

I'm back!

It's been a tough few weeks, and I haven't been able to get as much writing done as I'd like. Well, I haven't managed to get any done. But, not that things are settling down, I'm finally able to pick up 'Merai Pulse' where it was left off, which I'm very happy about!

As the journey to reach the spaceship is coming to a head, I'm setting up a sub-plot, resolving the mysteries in Windswept Valley, as well as providing some answers, and several more questions about the nature of Enderi, and where this mysterious boy came from. As well as this, some hints, rumours if you will, about the nature of Merai.

Again, any of you still here, thanks for reading, and please comment!

VF Holloway

Saturday, 11 July 2015


Hi All,

Big apology for the lack of chapter this week... after several personal problems keeping me busy, my laptop decided to die on me... erasing everything I have on 'Merai Pulse', as well as everything i've written to date. It was a huge blow, and so have not been able to write anything this week.

But, I've managed dig an old notebook out of my cupboards and am currently tapping on the dust-ridden keyboard. I'm going to be working on the chapters from time to time, but they might not be as regular as I'd hoped. Four weeks isn't bad, but... I'm not giving up. Anyone that's interested in continuing to read, add me on Google + and I'll send notifications at every chapter I post!


Saturday, 4 July 2015

Unveiling of Chapter 4!

Hi guys,

Chapter 4 is all finished, and here, as advertised, the first adversary the trio face together. Hopefully not the last. I'm laying the groundwork for a lot of story exposition, going into Enderi's past, possibly writing a flashback or two. And, getting closer to the spaceship... Chapter 5 is going to write itself!

Apart from that, uneventful. I'm looking for blog reviewers, as well as any other forms of marketing I can use to spread the blog around. Apart from that, nothing much... the heatwave is a bit of a nightmare, but had such a wonderful thunderstorm last night! Great inspiration, I'll keep it fresh in my memory and try and incorporate the closeness of the air, the lash of the rain and huge bolts of lightning in the story... I was like a kid watching fireworks haha, oohing and aahing at the massive bolts. Several landed very close, you could feel the vibrations in the air.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the new chapter!

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Chapter 3! and an Update, Artists wanted!

Hi Guys,

With 'Maze of Roots' I'm introducing a new character, hopefully a plot device for some comedic relief. The characters are still growing and I'm moving the plot into a more journey-based area now.
I will say, there is a bit of time-jump between 3 and 2, so i'd recommend giving Chapter 2 a quick skim to refresh, before reading 3.

I've been putting 'Merai Pulse' in for some Blog directories, such as Blogopedia and Blog Fusion, and you'll see their buttons at the bottom of the page. Those are just reciprocal buttons, taking you to the sites. I've been quietly amazed by the response the blog has gotten already... over 300 hits, most of which was in the last week, so huge thanks to everyone reading, I'm really happy people are enjoying it! I'd love to hit 1000 before I reach chapter... lets say, 10, so spread the love, if you're enjoying the piece :)

Lastly, I've been working on a couple of Newgrounds collabs in the last year or so, and it gave me a great idea. I'd love to get some artwork for this piece, it might be presumptuous only three chapters in, but if anyone reading has a talent for art/far too much free time, get in contact with me!

Thanks for reading, and please, will some leave a fricking comment! :p

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Chapter 2 is up!

Hi Guys!

So, Chapter 2 is uploaded! I'm moving the plot forwards and establishing the scenery of the piece, as well as going into detail with some of the characters; Manda and the child, as well as introducing some new characters. Also, shedding some light on the mysterious boy!

I made an attempt for comedy as well, to try and break the ice between you delightful readers and some of the characters. I'm a little rusty so it might be a bit hit-and-miss... comment and let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Chapter 1 is Published

Hi all,

Here is the first chapter of 'Merai Pulse'; I had difficulty sleeping, thinking about the prospects of this project, and decided to knock out the remainder of the writing and all the editing in one night.

So, it's settled... I was considering releasing each chapter every Saturday, Midday Greenwich Mean Time, but I'm feeling pretty fervent about the piece's reception.

Please comment on what you liked/didn't like, and enjoy!

VF Holloway

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

What is 'Merai Pulse' - Introductions

Hello, and thanks for visiting!

'Merai Pulse' is not a conventional blog, but as the title suggests a fantasy novel written in the form of a blog; or, more accurately, chapters of a fantasy-style plot, posted weekly as little written 'webisodes'.

The concept behind the blog is simply as a creative outlet; since graduating last year I've found that I've had very little time or motivation to continue writing. I absolutely love having other people read and enjoy my work, and I want to use this blog as a disciplinary means to keep up a healthy writing schedule, and give people the opportunity to read my work.

So, my rules for the blog are; one chapter posted a week, approx. 2000 words each. Long enough to give people something long enough to sit down and enjoy, not so long that I might fall behind. the chapters will progress like they would in any novel, building upon one another to continue the story like laying down bricks in a construction site.

However, this isn't a normal platform for novelization, in fact, it's closer to the release of manga and anime. So, like the work manga artists do, the whole plot is workable, up for debate. So please, leave me comments if you think something is working or not working; maybe a character you'd like to see more of, or what you think doesn't work. Taking criticism is part of the job, and this is about your enjoyment of the piece as much as it is about mine.

I'll be uploading the first piece soon, and then so on and so on, until it reaches completion! Here's hoping....

I hope you all enjoy 'Merai Pulse'!

VF. Holloway